163. Next, Murphy will demonstrate to everyone what is called 'Lion's roar' _1

"What sort of horrible misnomer is that? I have been single ever since I was born! Put some respect in your wording, you Transylvanian Barbarian!"

Ever since Lady Shani made her appearance, she has remained imperturbable to both compliments and insults, displaying no fear in facing even the eldest of the vampire race, Cui Si. Her sense of authority was even more evident during her negotiations with the lord of Transylvania. However, Murphy's usage of 'Mrs. Shani' caught her off guard.

It was primarily because she failed to appreciate the peculiar aesthetics of the players; She perceived his comment as a mockery of her being a powerless housewife.

But that was not the case.

"I apologize for my inappropriate address,"

Murphy replied with a gentle smile, standing half a step behind Cui Si and spoke softly,