177. Blood Beard Murphy: Be my son! _1

The first batch of vampires is about to be born in the player's world, and naturally this is a big deal.

As a result, most of the novice players who had free time were invited to participate in this "First Embrace and Spiritual Energy Weaving Ceremony".

Many people are discussing the strengths and weaknesses of vampires and humans, but those are topics that new players are interested in. The old players have thoroughly debated this issue on the forums countless times.

It is basically a "monthly post", brought up every few days, just like fishing. The moment this topic comes up, a group of idle "Appetite Relief Party" members who are waiting for the right moment can't wait to jump in and have a war of words.

For the old players, their appearance here tonight is definitely the result of careful consideration, there is no such situation where their heads heated up, and they got carried away.