237. Big Bird Team adds another fierce general! _3


No Hands Needed to Show Off next to him was laughing heartily as he said:

"I'm a professional financial talent, okay? Big brother also graduated from finance, as did the students who came with us, all excellent graduates of finance. Isn't it obvious? The development team wants us to make use of everything we have.

I think later in this game, there will not only be merchant running gameplay, its highly likely to also have players involved in the economic construction of the territory.

Holy shit, their ambition is indeed big."

"After all, it is 100% real. Based on this goal, whatever weird things the development team comes up with is not surprising."

While yawning, Brother Qu made a face and said:

"Those things that are taken for granted in real life seem strange when put into the game. But this is also the charm of the game, where we are the true drivers of the plot. The feeling of not being an extra is simply fantastic."