255. Two birds with one stone? - More for the "Brother Huo is quite good" [5/20]_3

Sir Morphy and their queen had a bet, staking the governorship of Transylvania. The little white face from the Thorn Clan was sent by the regal queen from the North, to replace Sir Morphy."

"What? There's such thing? Then why keep him? Wouldn't it be better to kill him directly? We, Transia people, don't tolerate the damned northerners!"

"We can't kill him! Dare not kill him. This little white face has a significant background. I heard that he's an earl from the North? Might even be the paramour of their young queen. Hehe."

A bunch of Blood Rat Gang members' whispers made everything crystal clear to Standt, hidden in the darkness. As a vampire with 'wolf' in their name, his hearing and perception were sharper than other vampires.

This was due to their racial traits.

Feeling he had obtained crucial information, Standt hesitated for a moment before daring to sneak higher into the fight club. He crouched next to a damaged wall and peered down.