292. Cape Holiday - When Your Fiancée Becomes Your Good Brothers...

In the city of Nantes within the Anjou Region of the Golden Flower Kingdom, Colonel Fraser Skandar III of the Cape Family had just finished a sumptuous breakfast and was stretching his body on the balcony.

He was not wearing military uniform but rather a fitting and proper hunting outfit, prepared for the short journey that was to begin today.

Just moments ago, the Colonel had received a transfer order from the Exploration Corps.

The order, bearing the double seals of Marshal Loren and General Soros, explicitly assigned him the role of "Head of the Golden Flower Kingdom's Military Observation Delegation in the Governor's District of Transia."

It also included a list of officers who would accompany him to Transylvania.

All of them were young commanders carefully selected from within the Exploration Corps, the sort of promising and excellent soldiers with bright futures, and his chosen adjutant was Reed Onika Soros, the youngest son of Marshal Loren's adjutant, General Soros.