Chapter 18 Reward_1

After practising the Innate Qi Nourishing Art for half an hour, Li Pin, who was gradually losing vitality, had to stop.

Although it was only for half an hour, his arm injury had significantly eased.

It was almost equivalent to having rested for one or two days.

"If I can ensure a steady supply of medicinal herbs, coupled with my stomach's digestive ability, I could practice qi three or four times a day. If all goes well, I could fully recover in eight to ten days."

This was much faster than his original plan of over a month.

At this time, cautious footsteps came from outside.

Without guessing, Li Pin knew it was Li Yunyao outside.

She seemed to be eavesdropping outside the bedroom door, checking if he had gotten up.

Li Pin had no choice but to get up, change his clothes, and make some noise.

As expected, Li Yunyao excited voice came from outside, "Brother, are you up?"

"Yes, I'm up."

Li Pin glanced at the time, it was almost eleven, he asked, "Is there still breakfast?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Mum made red date and black chicken soup for you, and lotus seed porridge."

Li Yunyao replied.

"Alright, I'll come down in ten minutes."

Li Pin replied.

Both of these foods indeed have the effect of replenishing qi and blood.

It seemed Li Yunyao had specifically looked it up on the internet.

Before Li's father passed away, he had built a two-story villa with an insulation layer in the town, with the first floor covering 120 square meters.

This 120 square meters was the actual usable area, equivalent to the 150 square meters in Lanstar.

The villa also had a yard underneath, providing quite a spacious space.

Ten minutes later, Li Pin came downstairs.

Mother Li looked worried, "Son, are you alright? Should we go to the hospital to have a look?"

"What could be wrong? I was just too tired yesterday."

Li Pin replied, "I'm hungry."

"The food is heated up, come and eat."

Mother Li hurriedly replied.


Li Pin responded.

As he passed by the living room, he found that the entrance was piled up with bags, gift boxes, and milk cartons.

"We had visitors?"

"The people from the car yesterday, they came early this morning to thank you, they left these after finding out you were still resting. They didn't even stay for a meal."

Li Yunyao hastily replied.

Her charming face was filled with joy.

"There are two families, and what your uncle Lin gave seems to be some valuable aged medicinal herbs, do you want to return them?"

Mother Li said, serving a bowl of porridge.

"Just keep whatever they have given."

Li Pin didn't refuse, and pushed the bowl of porridge to Mother Li, "You guys eat as well."

"We've already eaten."

"Oh, okay then."

Li Pin immediately brought over the pot of porridge.

Seeing her son eating heartily, Mother Li hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Son, they said you killed a cat demon, is it true?"


Li Pin answered, "I've been practicing martial arts since I was a child, I just didn't tell you."

As he said this, he glanced at Li Yunyao, "Yunyao knows."

A cat demon.

A beast that even an Elixir Energy Master might not be able to handle, was killed by him.

It could be foreseen that Liuchuan County would soon be abuzz, and before long, someone would come to visit.

So, it's important to align our story beforehand.

"Yes, yes, yes, I know. My brother began practicing martial arts six or seven years ago, but Mom, you were busy with work then and didn't notice."

Li Yunyao happily played along.

After that, she immediately turned to Li Pin: "Big bro, when should we start practicing martial arts?"

"Don't bother your brother, he needs to rest before we can start."

Mother Li gently reprimanded.

"No problem, we can start with the basics in the afternoon."

Li Pin said.

Soon, a pot of porridge and a big bowl of soup were completely consumed by him.

His astonishing appetite alarmed Mother Li a little.

"Won't eating like this be problematic?"

"I know what I'm doing."

Li Pin said, picked out some medicinal materials from those brought over by a few families, pointed out a few and said: "Mom, you should prepare these herbs into medicinal meals. I'll give you a few recipes later, just follow them."


Mother Li nodded and quickly went to prepare.

Li Pin wrote down the recipes and handed them to Mother Li, then went to practice his Innate Qi Nourishing Art in the courtyard of his home.

After exerting two rounds of Elixir Energy, his Qi and blood ran out, and this would cause root damage in his previous life.

Fortunately, thanks to his talent, he has already improved the eight fierce True Fire Power. This technique has somewhat reduced the load on his body. Although he could not avoid the depletion of Qi and blood, at least it does not leave any potential problems.

In this condition, he dared not practice the Xuanpin Gate. He had to practice the Qi Cultivation Technique for a few days until his body recovers a bit.

After half an hour of practice, his uncle and aunt rushed over.

Looking at Li Pin, they gave him a big thumbs up: "Little Pin, well done! You even killed the Cat Demon. You're incredible."

"Little Pin, are you okay?"

"I'm okay."

Li Pin said.

Li Father's family has three male children. The eldest uncle, Li Mingzhi, joined an agricultural product purchase station and set up a spot in Sanshun Town. The third uncle, Li Mingxin, started an advertising company in the capital city of Jiangzhou.

In the past, when Li Yunyan worked outside, he actually went to join his third uncle.

Blood is thicker than water.

Li Mingzhi and Li Mingxin have always been very caring towards their family and there was nothing like the animosity shown in the movies.

Both came to inquire about Li Pin's condition and seeing he was alright, they left.

At 2 pm, four sedans hurriedly arrived at the open space in front of Li Pin's house.

As the car doors opened, more than a dozen people got out, including the Mayor of Sanshun Town.

But he clearly wasn't the highest-ranking person there.

A middle-aged man, who appeared to be in his forties, along with a Martial Artist, stepped out first and approached Li Pin.

"So, this is our hero Li Pin, the martial master who slayed the Cat Demon! A genuine talent, a dragon among men! Having such a figure in Liuchuan County is a blessing for all its people."

The middle-aged man said with an enthusiastic face.

The Mayor of Sanshun quickly introduced him: "This is Director Zhang Youping from the Defense Department."

He also introduced the middle-aged martial artist, Meng Shan, the President of the Martial Arts Association of Liuchuan County.

Just like Fang Lingjue, a bona fide Elixir Energy Master.

This is the standard setting for the Martial Arts Association across Taibai.

The President of a county-level Martial Arts Association should at least be a Deputy Senior-ranked Elixir Energy Martial Master, while the President of a municipal Martial Arts Association needs to be a Senior-ranked Astral Energy Grandmaster.

Li Pin greeted the two and invited them into the house: "Please come in."

The two politely accepted and entered the courtyard.

When Mother Li heard that the high-ranking officials from the Defense Department and Martial Arts Association had arrived, she hurriedly came out and busily attended to them.

Zhang Youping noticed that Li Pin was looking a little off and knew that rest was most crucial for him now.

After some small talk, he got straight to the point: "We already know what has transpired. We thank martial master Li Pin for his righteous action in protecting the safety of the people in Sanshun Town. The county office has decided to award martial master Li Pin the title of Outstanding Youth. And we will also nominate you for the Outstanding Youth of Zanglong City…"

Then, he paused: "Furthermore, martial master Li Pin risked his life to slay the Cat Demon with great cost to himself. The county cannot let our hero shed blood as well as his own money...the county has decided to subsidize martial master Li Pin's nutritional needs with a grant of one hundred thousand Yuan and we will also provide a residence in Sunshine District."