Chapter 20: Medicinal Diets (Thanks to the Alliance Hierarchs of Jiushangxuan and Moxuan)_1


As soon as these words were spoken, Jing Zhengqi and Jing Yunshan both realized something, their eyes brightening.

"Martial artists, possessing formidable martial power, harboring dangerous weapons, are inherently violent. Each one of them is considered a destabilizing factor in society, under strict public scrutiny."

Jing Gufang explained calmly, "Compared to a second-level martial artist like Li Pin, ordinary people like you are entirely considered a vulnerable group."

Jing Yunshan quickly nodded, "Right, right, right, I'm the vulnerable group... ah!"

He seemed to have hit a wound while speaking hastily and couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"Being a vulnerable group, naturally you should learn to use the law to protect yourself. You were beaten by him, a second-level martial artist, and when you went to seek reconciliation, he demanded an exorbitant compensation. You, fearing his martial force, had to agree then publicize this matter…"

Jing Gufang said nonchalantly, "Even if Fang Lingjue, standing behind him, was backed by the president of the Martial Arts Association, they wouldn't dare protect him."

"Brilliant, Dad, really brilliant! Isn't the law established for us, the vulnerable groups?"

Jing Zhengqi added from the side, "Over 100,000 is considered a huge amount, at least ten years must be spent in prison. Once he's in jail and the matter quiets down, we can easily cripple him using some connections, right?"

Jing Yunshan, on the side, was also nodding emphatically in excitement.

He seemed to have foreseen the bleak sight of Li Pin being locked in jail for extortion and blackmail.


The Li family compound in Sanshun Town.

"Ah... it hurts... it hurts so much…"

Upstairs, cries of Li Yunyao panting and painful gasps could be heard.

Li Pin glanced at her, speechless.

Only bone examination before martial arts training, right?

Is there a need for such an exaggerated outcry?

Of course, the process of bone examination would be somewhat painful.

But if she couldn't even bear this little pain, how could she practice martial arts?


Li Pin admitted.

The duration was a bit long.

He was making an attempt.

If he could accurately sense his own state, could he sense the Qi and Blood flow in others?

It turned out that when there was physical contact, it was indeed possible.

Only that the level of perception was considerably weaker.

"It's done."

After finishing the examination on her lower leg, Li Pin withdrew his hand and announced, "Your innate constitution..."

"Am I one in ten thousand martial arts prodigy? Is it because I didn't have enough Condensing Soul Incense for visualization that I've been delayed in becoming a Star Refiner?"

Li Yunyao asked, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Li Pin had originally wanted to say she was average, but, having just verified that his "Insight" talent was just as effective on others, even though it was significantly weaker, it was still sufficient for him to accurately detect even the slightest changes in their Qi and Blood.

With this ability, Li Yunyao's rate of cultivation would definitely not be slow.

He immediately smiled and nodded, "You're talented, while you might not be one in ten thousand, you're definitely one in a thousand. As long as you're diligent and self-disciplined, you'll surely become a martial arts master in the future."

"Awesome, I knew I was a prodigy."

Li Yunyao's little face turned all sorts of red from excitement.

"Come, let me teach you the cultivation method to strengthen your Qi and Blood."

With that, Li Pin started to teach Li Yunyao the Xuanpin Gate cultivation method.

This was his most practiced cultivation method and was also convenient for him to monitor Li Yunyao's Qi and Blood changes more precisely.

After practicing for half an hour, noise came from outside.

Then, Lin Xiaolu and her father Lin Zhenshan walked in.

"Xiaolu is here, come and practice with me to see who becomes a martial artist first."

Li Yunyao hurriedly called out.

Li Pin glanced at Lin Xiaolu.

This morning, Li Yunyao wanted Lin Xiaolu to practice martial arts with her.

With the mindset that teaching one or two didn't make a difference, he didn't refuse.


Some of his experiments were somewhat constrained with Li Yunyao, but Lin Xiaolu didn't need to worry about them.

At this moment, Lin Zhenshan walked up somewhat cautiously, "Li Pin... Young Master Li, I know, to have someone of your status accepting disciples, significant tuition needs to be paid. Our family can't afford much. This is a medicinal root I got when I went into the mountains to collect goods three years ago. Teach as long as you can with that…"

"Uncle Lin, I appreciate the kindness, but there's no need to be so formal. We're neighbors, and I've seen Xiaolu grow up since we were kids. She's like my little sister, no need for such formality."

Li Pin said.

But Lin Zhenshan refused.

Seeing this, Li Pin didn't deny any further and accepted the old medicine.

"Listen to Big Brother Li and practice well, whatever Big Brother Li asks you to do, just do it, okay?"

Lin Zhenshan cautioned before leaving.

Lin Xiaolu nodded earnestly.

At the Starlight Center and on the bus ride home, she saw Li Pin's posture when he took action...

She was deeply fascinated.

She has always disliked her character, thinking she is too weak, but she has no idea how to change it.

Li Pin's appearance was like a ray of light illuminating her mind, clearly showing her the way forward.

That's why she chose to come forward despite knowing it might be inappropriate.

"Let's take a bone measurement first."

Li Pin said: "It hurts a bit the first time, endure it."

Lin Xiaolu nodded.

Very quickly, Li Pin began the process.

However, it was unexpected that Lin Xiaolu, who looked soft and weak, remained silent without a whimper during the painful process of bone measurement.

What surprised him even more was that Lin Xiaolu's root bones were much better than Li Yunyao's.

Although not quite reaching the one-in-ten-thousand martial arts genius that Li Yunyao mentioned, it could still be called excellent.

Having this realization, Li Pin began teaching both of them.


After teaching for an hour, Li Pin let them practice on their own, while he went into the main hall.

"There is a lot more potential and uses to my talent that can be explored."

He glanced at the medical materials and supplements brought by the villagers and Lin Zhenshan.

After a moment of pondering, he first took out Dragon Tiger Pill which helps in qi and blood replenishment.

After swallowing one, he activated Innate Qi Nourishing Art to subtly perceive its effects.

Although unable to specifically sense the ingredients in Dragon Tiger Pill, he could barely discern the enhancement it provides to life vitality.

"Judging by the enhancement to life vitality brought by a week of Innate Qi Nourishing Art cultivation, the Dragon Tiger Pill...increases life vitality by 401%, which can last for about...8.6 weeks, equivalent to two days."

Four times the experience for two consecutive days.

Unsurprisingly, this was a special item provided by the Martial Arts Association.

Next, he took out some supplements.

Each was consumed and tested.

"Vitality #1, the effect?"

Li Pin perceived in depth, eventually found out...

"The increase in life vitality has dropped by 14%?"

He tested several other kinds of supplements.

The effects were basically dropping or increasing by 10%-30%, equivalent to having a nutritious meal.

This outcome rendered him speechless.

Are these what they calling supplements?

In the following days, Li Pin patiently consumed various vitality-boosting medicinal materials according to their formulas.

The precise perception made any impact caused by the digestion of any medicinal material obvious.

"Goat Meat with Chinese Angelica Soup, life vitality increase by 104%."

"Poria with Black Chicken Soup, life vitality increase by 91%."

"Ginseng Turtle, life vitality increase by 148%."

Li Pin tried one after another.

Using the limited raw materials at hand, he finally derived two optimal medicinal diet formulas.

One primarily consists of ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, Astragalus membranaceus, lotus seeds, and black chicken, which can boost the effect of Innate Qi Nourishing Art on enhancing life vitality from 260% to 280%. The specific number depends on cooking techniques, with a daily cost of about one thousand gold ingots.

For the other, Li Pin used old wild ginseng from Lin Xiaolu's home. The increase in life vitality once reached 514%.

For this reason, he specifically flipped through his book to get a better idea, and then made a precise perceptual judgment. This wild ginseng was forty to fifty years old.

A stand of old wild ginseng like this could be sold at a high price of thirty to forty thousand dollars. If you add a bit each time along with other supplementary materials, it could still manage to cost tens of thousands per day.

"Wealth favors martial artists."

Li Pin looked at the balance on his bank card and unhesitatingly bought enough for a month's consumption.