Chapter 43 Jing Family_1

Jing Family's villa.

The news that Jing Gufeng had been kicked out of the board of directors reached him at three o'clock in the afternoon, with no prior notification from anyone about the board meeting.

The backstabbing approach by Chairman Zhang Minglong filled Jing Gufeng's heart with intense rage.

After all, the Jing Family is well-respected in Zanglong City.

Although it hadn't truly penetrated high society, it still wielded significant influence in the fields of education, publishing, and printing with its accumulated assets of several hundred million across generations.

Currently ousted by Hanyang University, he directly dialed Zhang Minglong's number.

Bearing in mind the larger influence of the Zhang Family and their connections with several senior government officials, he suppressed his rage and said, "Chairman Zhang, I wonder what wrong I've done to merit such a grand occasion of confrontation by you."

"Old Jing, if I were you, I wouldn't make this call."