Chapter 68 Individual_1

In a certain sense, neurons can also be seen as a type of cell, but compared to other cells, their structure is slightly different.

When Li Pin focuses his mind to sense the countless electronic signals transmitted between the neurons in the brain, a network as huge as the universe appears to his senses.


At this moment, what he is thinking of is that vast, boundless universe.

The dazzling, flourishing, and brilliant performances of signals and their transmissions left him, who was observing the structure of the brain for the first time, with an unspeakable shock.

Just like when people look up at the starry sky and imagine the universe for the first time.

The human brain has tens of billions of neurons. The observable universe network contains hundreds of billions of galaxies, and to some extent, both are on the same scale.

Whether it's the human brain or the universe, only a small portion of the substances actually play an active role.