Chapter 104: Conflict_1

After making a phone call to Fang Lingjue and her family, Li Pin quietly awaited the arrival of the investigation team.

As soon as the investigative team's captain Wang Tianyi presented the investigative order, she was quickly taken to a place for questioning.

Lian Hongchen accompanied her throughout the process claiming that he was overseeing whether the actions of the investigation team were in violation of any rules or laws.

Of course, he used Li Pin's participation in the Jiangzhou competition as a point of rational argument.

However, Wang Tianyi simply showed the video provided by the Lihuo Sect where Li Pin was suspected of taking the banned drug, Blood Burning Powder. He claimed that if she did not clear this up, it would be disrespectful to the other competitors for her to hastily return to the competition.

Furthermore, given that the Martial Arts competition was held nationwide simultaneous to Li Pin's, it could not be delayed just because of her.