Chapter 149 Seed_1


This is already beyond the realm of martial arts, thoroughly entering the world of fantasy!

Let alone transforming oneself into a star, or using the life field to pry into the star energy field, just the step of condensing the life energy field is enough to drive countless people to near death.

That's why Li Pin thinks that mastering this secret technique is even harder than becoming a Martial Saint.

Thinking of what Qin Guangming said about this secret technique having some related concepts of Star Refiners.

Presumably, it refers to this part about using the life field as a lever to pry into the star energy field.

For Martial Artists...

Even if cultivated to the extreme, it is impossible to strengthen the life force field to this extent.

In other words, it doesn't even qualify to be a lever.

"Only the initial part of this Stars Lord secret technique is useful for me—the part about condensing the life field."