Chapter 200 Arrogance_1

In the second round of the round-robin tournament, the players who haven't yet competed cannot turn down a challenge from the higher-ranking competitors, unless they're willing to forfeit.

Ying Long was no exception.

"Su Feiyu!"

Confronting this female Martial Artist that everyone acknowledged to be the weakest among the top ten contestants - merely securing her position through luck, Ying Long was defiant!

"If you want to fight! I will accompany you to the end!"

This skilled fighter from the Eagle Claw Sect stepped onto the Martial Arts Stage, ready to confront his adversary.

"Do you truly think I'm so easily bullied? Even if my vitality has yet to recover, I won't be humiliated by someone who squeaked into the top ten solely due to luck!"


A few minutes later.

Ying Long was once again beaten till his face was blue and swollen, and sent tumbling down from the stage.

Although Su Feiyu was weaker, she was nonetheless on par with Ying Long and the like.