Chapter 266 Martial God_1

"For a Martial Artist, oneself is the ultimate foundation."

Li Pin said.

His eyes scanned the surroundings for a while, gathering the spoils of war.

He had been living in the barren mountains and wild ridges for some time, consuming plenty of supplies. Without replenishment, he'd have to make a trip back to the human city for supplies.

But once he visits the human city...

Without a single guess, various troubles would inevitably follow.

The people of the Worship God Church who had ventured deep into the wilderness to find him fortunately had an abundance of supplies, perfect for replenishment.

In addition, one Star Refiner, two Martial Saints, one high-level Star Refiner, their assets should be...

"They are too impoverished."

Li Pin searched for a while.

On the body of this Star Refiner, he was able to find a few ordinary Star Artifacts.

The Star Artifact he was using was just a solitary 'Eight Wilds' artifact.