Chapter 285: Fight for the Path_1

"What's going on!?"

Aboard the battleship, Fu Qingtian, who was still watching the live broadcast, couldn't help but scold as he watched Li Pin's remarks, "What is Li Pin doing saying these delusions on a global broadcast?"

He immediately said to Mo Wangqing, "The battle of the century is over. Stop broadcasting!"


Mo Wangqing quickly agreed and issued the order.

"This kid, no doubt he is talented and unruly, but also genuinely arrogant."

Next to him, Yuan Zhenchuan shook his head somewhat speechlessly.


This assessment…

Made Fu Qingtian frown.

His joy of securing the position of the overall commander because Li Pin won the title of King of the Century was significantly dampened.

"Li Pin is indeed somewhat reckless. Despite his rare talent, his actions are not as steady and mature as Wang Liancheng's,"