Chapter 325 Imperial family_1


Wen Xingchen bowed respectfully.

"You're here."

Li Pin stated, as his eyes passed over him and landed on the trio that accompanied Wen Yusheng.

An aged man in his seventies or eighties, a middle-aged man around forty, and a blossoming young lady of youthful charm and radiant beauty.

However, their extensive age difference was not the significant matter; it was the aura they exuded.

Both the elderly man and middle-aged man astonishingly reached the point of high-level Star Refiners.

Even the young lady who seemed to be in her twenties had surprisingly become a Martial Saint.

A Martial Saint of such an age...

Should not appear in front of Wen Yusheng, nor even before those top-tier Star Refiners.

Even if the descendants of a Grand Star Scavenger were nurtured with a large number of resources, supplemented with the teaching of famous instructors, they must also possess extraordinary talent to enter the Martial Saint Realm before the age of twenty.