Chapter 338 Arrival _1

"Golden Gem?"

Li Pin looked at the gem in his hand.

It looks like bronze and blood-red, but gold...

Where's the resemblance?

Starlight hastily explained, "This gem is called the Golden Gem not because of its gold look, but because... it is as precious as gold... no, wrong! It's a treasure that's countless times more precious than gold!"

"What's its purpose?"

"Break the limit!"

Starlight quickly added, "The greatest use of this gem is to help people break their limits and initiate a new evolution."

"Break the limit!?"

Li Pin looked at Starlight, "You mean, it can help people break through their realm?"

"Not the realm, but the limit of life."

Starlight paused, "My lord should know that the physical limit of most Martial Saints is 45, and even those with extraordinary talents cannot exceed 50. This is the limit of our human race's life. But this Golden Gem can help us break this limit. The only cost..."