Chapter 373: Fierce Battle_1

In the world today, Legendaries cannot afford to die in battle.

On the one hand, all of them are top figures of the human race, and in the face of Demonic Beasts' looming threats, intense conflicts would only diminish the strength of humanity itself.

On the other hand, the feature of Starlight Transformation makes it very difficult for one Legendary to kill another.

Thus, when grudges between Legendaries accumulate to the point where they must resort to fighting, the victor is often determined by which party is "killed" and needs to resort to using the Starlight State to save their own life.

The battle between Li Pin and Xiao Qianyuan had begun, and during his first transformation into the Starlight State, it could be said that he was using that method to evade, not yet at the point of being "cornered" and "killed" on the spot.

But just now...

That was a genuine lethal strike.