Chapter 379: Guilt_1

An altar-like prison.

Zhang Dongwang seemed to sense something and lifted his head weakly.

Having long been deprived of the nourishment of Star Power, his appearance was no longer as radiant as before, his body was no longer as pure as jade, and his starlight was no longer dazzling. Instead, he carried an exhaustion and aged look that was common in ordinary people.

It was also because the Star Power inside his body was always depleted to its limit that he only sensed the arrival of Zhuo Jianyu, Feng Yan and others when they reached the prison.

Upon seeing the two of them, his eyes inevitably revealed joy: "Hall Master Zhuo, Master Feng, you've finally arrived?"

Zhuo Jianyu looked at Zhang Dongwang with a somewhat complicated expression, then turned to Li Pin: "Hall Master Li, thank you for your efforts."

Li Pin nodded.

Xingying, who stood by his side, stepped forward and shut down the formation that resembled an altar.