Chapter 412: Strength and Weakness _1

"Get back quickly!"

Amidst the chaos, it seemed to Li Pin that he could hear Fan Xiu's terrified yell.


The next moment, a rampant release of a powerful light and fierce flames, like a miniature nuclear explosion, resonated fiercely within the relatively closed-off cave, threatening to annihilate every existing life form and matter within a hundred-meter radius.

Li Pin, who happened to be in this zone, did not flinch nor evade; he stood tall at the forefront of this river of destruction, bracing himself for an onslaught powerful enough to melt fine steel into molten iron and reduce skyscrapers to mere pulverized powder.

No matter how intense the brilliance, heat, or atmospheric surges, when they collided with his body - clad in Heavenly Demon Divine Armor and fused with the Star Magnetic Field - they were unable to harm him in the slightest.
