Chapter 454 Origin_1

The Domain, a power belonging to legends.

But at this moment, Li Pin had already noticed that the range and strength of the Heavenly Stage Man's domain were nowhere near those of a true legend.


Really was only of the Heavenly Stage.

Just like him, he had realized the Power of Mind, but hadn't upgraded all aspects to the corresponding realm.

Theoretically, he would be stronger than this Heavenly Stage Man.

But in the fighting right now, he couldn't break through the man's domain.

In the final analysis...

"It's about utilization."

Li Pin understood his heart.

It is about the utilization rate of mental power.

Other than accelerating his neurological reaction speed to the three-fold limit under the state of the Time Candle Dragon, and striking a "one for one" ratio with the Heavenly Stage Man...


It's not one for one.

In the final analysis, he wasted too much power.