Chapter 16: Craving for Swan Meat Every Day_1

Li Xuan feasted with relish during the time when everyone was drinking and playing games. He devoured seven chicken wings, a roast chicken, and twelve large crabs, but he couldn't bear to put down his chopsticks.

The standards of Duke Xuguo's chef were indeed exceptional - far surpassing the great chefs of later generations - this made Li Xuan deeply regret his earlier binge eating. Because only the best dishes, like pig dragon meat, and wind feather bird - these kind of delicacies that could only be found in this world - were presented at the end by the servants.

But at this time, Li Xuan's stomach was almost at its limit. He could only try to straighten up his body, using this method to alleviate the strain on his belly, while slowly stuffing the food into his mouth.

It was not until Mother Liu's maid whispered a few words in his ear that Li Xuan reluctantly left the table. His eyes were filled with regret. For a foodie like him, missing out on delicacies was a great pain.

At this time, it was already dark. The maid, holding a lantern, led the way, with Li Xuan carefully following behind and looking around.

Many young girls were wandering and playing in the large and elegantly refined gardens of Duke Xuguo's mansion. At a glance, the gardens were like a feast of beauties.

Some bold girls even looked over him, evaluating him with playful smiles.

However, Li Xuan's attention was quickly pulled back by the maid's comments: "The person you are going to meet is Miss Xi Xuer. Her mother, Lady Xi, has been a close friend to your mother since they were young. Therefore, you must be very careful not to offend the young lady. Otherwise you won't receive any allowances from your mother for years to come."

Deputy Zuodu Yushi -

Li Xuan couldn't help wondering, is this Liu family's so-called "important matter"? Is it intended for him to marry the daughter of Deputy Zuodu Yushi?

So was this move related to his Father's involvement in the prince's attack and disappearance case? Was he seeking help from this influential person?

Then he thought about how Mother Liu's behavior and shook his head in amusement, realizing that he was overthinking. His mother was hardly capable of such cunning. She probably just wanted him to find a secure and steady source of income through marriage.

The deputy Zuodu Yushi that Li Xuan knew was not only deputy head of the Inspectorate, responsible for supervising all officials, but also a very powerful Confucian scholar.

It has to be mentioned that in this world, not all Confucians are physically weak. Some of them who comprehended the essence of Confucianism and mastered their studies, also have extraordinary power. Their strength is not inferior to the high-level Wu and spell cultivators. In fact, it is often even more exceptional.

Many people believe that so-called Confucianism is just one variant of ancient Qi cultivation.

In Liudao Division, there were many Confucians with supernatural power, who had always been the main force in suppressing demons.

"So, has the marriage been arranged already?"

Li Xuan was somewhat conflicted as he was very resistant to the kind of marriage arranged by parents. If this marriage was settled, then what should he do? How could he reject this arranged marriage?

The people didn't mind the absurdity and downfall of Li Xuan's original character and family. It was truly hard to reject this proposal.

What relieved him was that the maid responded with a slight shake of her head: "No, Lady Xi originally agreed. But recently she said that the Lord Xi had promised his daughter a long time ago that she could choose her own marriage. That's why your mother has arranged for you to meet her."

Soon they arrived at a pavilion. As Li Xuan stepped inside, he saw a figure dressed in lake-colored clothing leaning against the railing of the pavilion. Upon hearing the pearl curtain rustling, she turned her head to look at him.

This was a young girl with an oval face and a slightly fuller figure, who had delicate and attractive features. Upon taking a look at Li Xuan, her eyes flashed with surprise, seemingly taken aback by his looks. However, her eyes then turned cold, a sneer flitting across them: "So you are the second son of the Li family?"

"It is I, Li Xuan," Li Xuan clasped his hands together in accordance with the etiquette of the era: "I've had the honor to meet you, miss Xi——"

But just as he wanted to say something, the young girl pointed to the grass outside, "Do you recognize what that is over there?"

Li Xuan followed her gesture and then furrowed his brows, "A toad?"

"A scabby toad," the girl corrected, then sneering coldly, "It is this sort of creature that endeavours daily to eat swan meat."

Li Xuan's expression instantly turned stern, "Is not the lady's comment excessively harsh? Even if you do not think highly of me, there is no need for vitriolic remarks, is there?"

Even though he felt that his predecessor was indeed a reckless and spendthrift individual, who had wronged another man's daughter, he also thought that the girl's comments crossed the line.

"I'm afraid that if I do not speak thus, certain people would still show no shame, relentlessly flinging themselves at me just like a mongrel.

The girl looked askance at Li Xuan, her tone still harsh, "You all from Earl Chengyi's mansion want to take advantage of my good will, and wouldn't let me speak up? You simply look down on my mother because of her thin skin and soft heart, leveraging on the gratitude the Xi family owes to you, in order to deceive us. However, I, Xi Xuer, am not a person to be bullied!"

Li Xuan clenched his teeth, then once again clasped his hands towards Miss Xi, "I shall repeat myself, there is no need for insults if you are unwilling. I shall take my leave now!"

Even though he was boiling inside, it certainly wasn't suitable for him to beat her up over this. From the girl's standpoint, considering Li Xuan's predecessor and Ear Chengyi's mansion as a pit of fire, wasn't completely unjustified either.

But just as Li Xuan was about to turn around and leave the pavilion, the young girl behind him let out a cold laugh, "Insults? You should take a look at your present state! Your Earl Chengyi's mansion is bound to collapse sooner or later. You, Li Xuan, may appear as gold on the outside but are full of rotten cotton inside. If you aren't a scabby toad, what are you?"

Li Xuan paused for a moment, then flung open the pearl curtain and walked out unhesitatingly.

Mrs. Liu's personal maid was still waiting outside, her face ashen. Despite being outside the pavilion, she had clearly heard the conversation within.

Li Xuan could only sigh, "You may report the situation to my mother. Although this engagement has been cancelled, it is not my doing."

"This servant heard everything," the maid slightly nodded, but still stared angrily at the pavilion, "Let the young master know that our mistress did not bring up this matrimonial matter first. It was two months ago that the Xi residence first invited a matchmaker over. Therefore, how can they accuse us of exploiting gratitude? As for the 'little gratitude' Miss Xi mentioned, she's probably referring to the time twenty-three years ago, when Xi Fuxian was bankrupt, and we, Earl Chengyi's mansion, contributed a thousand teals of patterned silver to help him study at the Guozi Bureau. Additionally, nine years ago, Lord Xi offended a powerful official and was dismissed from his post and put on trial. It was Lady Xi who personally sought our lady's help, to request my young master's intervention, to grant him an acquittal and restore his position. I clearly remember the earnestness in Lady Xi's words back then, saying she would 'repay us in every possible way in this life and the next'——"

Her voice was as cold as jade, not particularly loud, but it successfully attracted the attention of the people passing by.

Li Xuan also stared in astonishment. In his predecessor's memory, this maiden named Leng Yurou, who served at Mrs. Liu's side, was always cold and reticent, always maintaining her composure, with almost no situation able to ruffle her feathers.

Unexpectedly, today, this woman, who had been jokingly referred to as 'ice beauty' by his predecessor more than once, would directly confront others with such biting words.