Chapter 26: Stand Straight and Your Shadow Won't Lean - 1

Ma Chenggong failed to take his revenge, his sword, just unsheathed, was knocked away by Jiang Hanyun, who was standing not far away.

"Why are you losing your head in anger? The Fumo Zongguan has issued an order, this creature is Master Chenghuang's spiritual beast, no one in the Liudao Division can harm it today. Didn't you hear the instructions, why do you insist on violating them knowingly?"

Next, Ma Chenggong was grabbed by the ear by a tall woman who walked up from behind. Like dragging a dead dog, she dragged him out of the crowd.

"That's pitiful!" Zhang Yue showed sympathy: "His wife will probably give him a good beating, right?"

"I think he might be castrated." Peng Fulai waved his folding fan: "I've heard of his wife's reputation, she's a well-known iron lady in our Liudao Division."

He had only been a part of Liudao Division for two days and he had already recognized most of the people in Zhuque Hall.

As one of the involved parties, Li Xuan couldn't help feeling embarrassed: "She shouldn't, that night we just went out drinking and didn't stay overnight at Dingfang Building. As long as he explains it clearly, there shouldn't be a major problem."

He then asked curiously, "Do we have to leave through the front gate? What about the side gate or the back gate? Knowing the power of this spiritual beast, do we have to confront it?"

"Apparently the Fumo Zongguan was extremely angry, considering it a great humiliation."

Peng Fulai shrugged: "Although he specifically commanded not to injure this 'Tingtian Ao', he also specified that everyone in Zhuque Hall must solve the issue within half a day, or they will all be punished. Besides, the Fumo Zongguan also issued a reward, whoever solves this Tingtian Ao, Zhuque Hall will offer a heavy reward. In addition to ten thousand taels of patterned silver and one great accomplishment, they will either be granted permission to stay on the seventh floor of the book collection building for three days or they can wait for half a year to get a Diyuan Elixir when the Dan furnace of the main hall opens."

The 'Fumo Zongguan' he was referring to should be the current master of Zhuque Hall and one of the only four second-rank 'Fumo Zongguan' in the Liudao Division.

Peng Fulai looked at Li Xuan again: "Especially you guys from 'Mingyou City', everyone from Xiaowei Jiang down has to give it a try. You guys from this city are the ones who caused this trouble."

"I see!"

Li Xuan thought, this explains why his boss, Ma Chenggong, was so keen on heading into danger, knowing it was a trap.

As they were talking, Jiang Hanyun stood with her hands on her hips at the front of the staircase, looking at the crowd present with a disappointed gaze, and scolded with her voice that could make one's ears pregnant: "You're all disgraceful! Uprightness fears no shadows, you, it's because you've done too many guilty deeds that you are scared of this little beast. Could we not dismiss its Diting Divine Skill if we truly uphold our righteousness and integrity on normal days?"

A chorus of 'tch' sounds was heard from the crowd. Li Xuan knew they wouldn't dare to provoke the 'Blood Hand Shura' normally, but today there were more people here and everyone was bravely voicing their opinion.

Jiang Hanyun didn't care, she just turned around and stepped onto the first step while sneering: "I'm curious to see what secrets you will bring out, to make me retreat!"

"Your name is Jiang Hanyun." The spiritual beast looked at the girl below the steps with interest: "Twenty-three days ago, you were looking at a pornographic painting."

A wave of whispers swept over the crowd in front of the main gate, everyone looked at Blood Hand Shura with disbelief.

Jiang Hanyun's face turned green, then white, then black, then red, heat steamed above her head.

She looked hesitant, but still stepped onto the second step: "Don't smear my name with your lies, why don't you say that the pornographic painting was part of the evidence I confiscated? As an investigator, what's wrong with looking at it?"

However, Li Xuan saw that his beautiful superior, even her neck was blushing. He couldn't help but laugh at the situation, if you don't feel guilty, why are you blushing? This explanation doesn't seem convincing at all.

The Tingtian Ao remained unfazed, without expressing any additional emotions: "The same thing happened three months ago. You watched for fifteen minutes. Of course, that was also confiscated evidence."

Before the creature finished speaking, they heard a cracking noise, and then everyone saw the large cracked surface of the stone steps under Jiang Hanyun's feet. The ground within a yard around was even trodden down by a footer by her.

The aura around the armored girl became even colder and more brutal, and a touch of violent Zhenyuan even leaked out of her, tumbling like flames, clawing and baring its fangs like a demon.

"You talk, keep talking!" Jiang Hanyun stepped onto the third level, a stiff smile on her face: "I maintain my integrity, act justly, know my boundaries—"

The Tingtian Ao looked at her dismissively: "When you were twelve, you had a secret crush—"


Before the Tingtian Ao could finish, Jiang Hanyun immediately drew her sword: "I'm going to slaughter you!"

Fortunately, at this point, there were already many people who were alert and on their guard. So, a group of people rushed up, grabbing by the waist, pulling at legs.

"Not possible! Xiaowei Jiang, have you forgotten what Fumo Zongguan said?"

"Xiaowei Jiang, calm down! Calm down! You are a generous person, there's no need to argue with this beast."

"My Lady, if you hurt even a hair on it today, we in the Liudao Division wouldn't be able to conduct any more cases in Nanjing City. Master Chenghuang will never let us off."

At this moment, Jiang Hanyun's terror was revealed. She threw a group of people flying with a lift of her hand and she kicked several people flying with a raise of her leg, there was chaos, with people scattering everywhere.

Five or six dozen people joined forces, and three Fumo Xiaowei worked together to barely suppress the Blood Hand Shura, narrowly avoiding hurting the Tingtian Ao.

The latter was probably scared now, backing off a little, and no longer as calm as before.

This commotion lasted for quite some time before Jiang Hanyun finally cooled down. She stood back down the steps, looking coldly at Tingtian Ao, her chest rising and falling dramatically, as if about to explode.

Li Xuan thought to himself, if her gaze could kill, Tingtian Ao would have been torn to pieces by her.

After Jiang Hanyun, no one else dared to step forward, everyone looked left and right, their faces filled with obvious fear.

Seeing the situation, Li Xuan started to quietly move back.

"I'm going back. Just pretend I wasn't here today."

He had too many secrets and didn't dare to confront Tingtian Ao, especially the fact that he is from another world, a secret not to be disclosed.

But before he could slip away, he heard a shout from behind: "Qianzhi, you go and try!"

Li Xuan turned his head and saw it was the bruised and swollen Ma Chenggong.

He was speechless. Ma Chenggong really held grudges. Ma Chenggong was clearly excited and happy about the flower wine four months ago.

At that moment, Li Xuan felt a sharp gaze from behind. When he turned his head, he found the one watching him was Xiaowei Jiang Hanyun.