Chapter 33: Just Follow Her_1

"Seeking help?" As expected, Yue Qianqian stopped in her tracks, a puzzled look in her eyes.

"At present, my life is hanging by a thread, yet I have no idea why. I know that Miss Yue is well-informed, so I've come to seek advice."

Li Xuan sighed, then pointed to a corner: "May we sit and talk?"

Yue Qianqian hesitated for a moment, but eventually sat down. However, she still maintained a strong sense of caution towards Li Xuan, keeping two tables between them.

"A fierce demon that can't be discovered by the Spirit Eye technique used by Wu cultivators in the tenth house level? And the technique was even performed using the blood of the Sky Eye Monster?"

When Li Xuan finished explaining the situation, Yue Qianqian pondered: "There are such things being recorded. I know no less than ten kinds. But since it hasn't claimed your life yet, there can only be one reason for this."