Chapter 40: Wuzuo's Other Identity_1

"In my opinion, he died from snake venom, most likely that of a highly venomous sea snake."

Confidently, Li Xuan held Liu Sanjie's gaze, "The muscles all over his body are loose, his tendon reflex is weak. This shouldn't be the case for a spell cultivator of the fourth house level—"

Considering the term 'tendon reflex' did not exist in this era, he deliberately tapped the dead man's knee, noting the lack of any significant upward movement of the leg.

In fact, once a person has been dead for a certain length of time, the knee-jerk reflex will not occur.

But Li Xuan understood that he was in an extraordinary world, where cultivators possessed superhuman abilities, requiring practitioners above the Four-story Realm to be regarded as extraordinary beings. Therefore, their autopsies could not be conducted in a usual way.

Li Xuan subsequently directed attention to the exposed heart area of the deceased.