Chapter 48: Finally Got a Meat Shield_1

Just before the Hour of Wu, four days later, outside a three-story wooden house in the suburban area of Nanjing, Li Xuan was lying flat in the grass, his eyes peering mysteriously into the house.

Behind him, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue also huddled their bodies as much as possible, trying to camouflage themselves among the surrounding grass and trees; the petite Yue Qianqian held her hands in a gesture, using the 'Mini Blinding Spell' to enhance their stealth.

"Is this the place?" Zhang Yue looked eager, "Why aren't we making a move yet?"

He had been assigned under Li Xuan's command just yesterday, Jiang Hanyun had made an exception for him, allowing him to follow Li Xuan's actions as an apprentice.

Zhang Yue was quite proud of himself. As expected, his two buddies couldn't do without him, the martial backbone of their trio.