Chapter 54 I Have a Clue_1

On their return journey, they still made use of the small sailing boat for transportation.

That night, Li Chengji was cheerfully eating meat and drinking wine with his oldest son at the bow of the boat, while Li Xuan sprawled out in an expansive pose on the deck, lying as limp as a salted fish.

After spending two days and a night as a bath servant, he was already so exhausted he didn't even have the strength to sit up.

At this time, Li Chengji kept his promise and introduced the origins of the Black Dragon: "The Dragon King has her own title, bestowed by the Great Ancestor 'Immortal Master Shuide'. There are temples erected around Poyang Lake in her honour, and the government holds sacrifices for her yearly, as the leader of all dragons."

According to the current custom where the longer the title, the higher the respect, the status of this Sinful Dragon was indeed above all other Dragon Kings of the Yangtze River, even above all other river and water deities.