Chapter 56: Lessons on Humanity from Humble Beginnings_1

Soon, a group of people quickly surged out of the Hongyue Lodge. There were about thirty to fifty of them, all brawny men with muscular bodies.

And it wasn't just the Hongyue Lodge, all around, from the pleasure boats to the dock entrance, hundreds of people descended, completely blocking the dock. Zhang Jin and Cui Hongan, along with their entourage of friends and cronies, appeared at the window on the second level of the Hongyue Lodge. The former looked fierce, his eyes seeming ready to spew fire, while the latter looked smug.

"Li Xuan, you've got guts! I didn't expect you to actually dare to come alone," taunted one.

Li Xuan swept his gaze around his surroundings, then ironically responded, "Is this necessary? All of your father's men from Jingying have been called just for me? Cui Hongan, do you want to continue messing around in our Nanjing City? And does your father know about this? Be careful he might punish you when he finds out."