Chapter 61: I Perceive The Truth (Extra Chapter for Alliance Master Xiong)_1

PS: Thanks to the first Lord of this book, Xiongshi *Yanzhi.


"The key point is——"

Li Xuan pressed on the corpse's abdomen: "The deceased's intestines are still moving. If you press the eye, you'll feel a slight pressure."

This is a postmortem response. For several hours after death, the intestines still squirm, and the intestinal movements within this corpse are particularly noticeable.

The normal intraocular pressure of a healthy person is between 14-21mmHg, which can drop to 10mmHg after death and to 7mmHg after 20 minutes, until it completely disappears.

"So, I judge that the time of his death could be within the past hour, or even shorter."

Li Xuan looked up at Youjiao Xu: "I bet Youjiao Xu didn't examine the corpse carefully just now."

Xu Gushan's face turned red: "Then how do you explain the livor mortis? The spell confirmed it too."

Li Xuan also found it incredible. In his previous life, he had never seen a case like this in textbooks, let alone encountered one.