Chapter 71: No Leisure Time Even in Ancient Times_1

Li Xuan noticed the pair of gloves that held Tingtian Ao's attention. He shook his two hands, indeed, Tingtian Ao's gaze indeed followed the movement.

Finally, Tingtian Ao shook out of his trance: "Where did these gloves on you come from?"

"I got them from our Treasure Tower in Zhuque Hall," Li Xuan curiously asked. "Is there something strange about this magical instrument?"

"I'm wondering how it ended up in your hands."

Tingtian Ao scratched at his chin with a perplexed look: "Don't tell me, Li Xuan, that you're actually a true gentleman?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but laugh: "The 'gentleman' title was your own doing, Mr. Ao. That name has caused me quite the inconvenience lately."

Now, his colleagues from the Liudao Division invariably referred to him as 'the Gentleman' upon seeing him.

But it also had its advantages—female colleagues were finally looking at him in a normal way.