Chapter 75: One Palm, One Ice Block_4_1

Li Xuan's face turned stern as he locked his gaze on the advancing black figure while unsheathing his sword without hesitation to attack.

In this narrow space just enough for two people, Li Xuan couldn't employ any complex moves. The 'Frozen Blade' of the Li Family, a true martial art for the battlefield, was simple and fierce with no unnecessary flourishes. The seventeen combat moves were all straightforward and unadorned.

The 'Autumn Moon Cold River' that Li Xuan instinctively used was essentially a simple forward slash. The only distinguishing feature was the unique way he channeled his mana internally and the path he used to circulate his vitality, distinct from other martial secrets. This allowed Li Xuan's blade force to be more domineering and his cold energy more abundant.

With a sharp 'clang' sound, Li Xuan's figure was pushed back three zhang, nearly blasted out of the cave entrance by the force of the sword slash.