Chapter 82: Too Many Words, Want a Younger Brother_1

By the time Li Xuan had steadied himself, the giant spider had disappeared into thin air, dissolving into wisps of Yinsha and eerie green dots spinning rapidly away.

Meanwhile, the sneering voice of Demoness Zidie also reached his ears.

"This slash is rather fierce, but it's actually hard on the eyes. Now I'm curious. Why would someone who has mastered 'The Frozen Cold' be content to be seen by the world as a foolish prodigal, a family heir with cultivation of only the third house level? What exactly do you mean by doing this, Li Xuan?"

Li Xuan turned his head immediately, looking towards where the demoness was. But he was only met with empty space. The graceful figure had already disappeared into thin air, leaving only her lingering voice around his ear.

"Be careful in the future! I'll always have my eyes on you. I don't care what you want to do, but if you dare to harm the common people, I will take your head——"