Chapter 86: Use Family Wealth to Remove Spirits_1

"That's a Pregnant Ghost! Often seen in delivery rooms, it causes difficult deliveries leading to the death of the mother."

The moment she awoke, Yue Qianqian used the 'Mini Divine Eyes' on herself and her face paled slightly. "They represent malevolent men who died childless, envious of others who can carry on their family line. As a result, they obstruct other's childbirth. Its power causes intense abdominal pain and can damage one's Shenpo and magical instruments. At the sixth house level, it can also control twelve Ghost Babies."

Reaching this point, Yue Qianqian squinted her eyes. A 'Pregnant Ghost' from the sixth house level implied that ever since its birth, it had already caused the deaths of over forty pregnant women and their unborn children.

This was the part she found hard to believe. How could such a fierce evil spirit exist within Nanjing City, given the constant crackdown by the Liudao Division over the years?