Chapter 91: It's Not Over Even If You Beat Them to Death_1

"The eighteen layers of hell only exist in Fengdu and Taishan."

Tingtian Ao explained, "Buddhism also has eighteen levels of hell and the perpetual hell, they're all similar. They are used to grind down malevolent souls and eradicate the effects of evil karma. Our resources are limited, so we keep things simple."

"So where do souls of regular people reside after death?" Li Xuan noticed lots of prisons and execution grounds outside the palace complex, which puzzled him.

Tingtian Ao looked at him strangely, "Of course they disappear after death! Cultivators like you have to reach The Third Door, condensing a Yuan Infant, to be able to travel outside the body in Shenpo form; not to mention the souls of ordinary people."

"Don't be fooled by those fictional tales purely imagined by the mundane. The Underground is actually a prison used to detain the souls and evil spirits with strong obsessions, therefore it's also referred to as 'Hell' or 'Netherworld Prison'."