Chapter 94: I Have to Sacrifice Myself_1

After explaining the reasons, Tingtian Ao laughed with a hint of pride: "In Jinling City, there are less than one thousand people who can take up this 'The Song of Integrity'. Master Youjiao is currently the most suitable candidate and also the key for all of you to enter the tomb of the soldiers of the Han dynasty. His ancestor, Li Lexing, not only presided over the construction of Dasheng Pass but also laid the foundation for the tomb of these Han soldiers. He also has other abilities that can minimize the risks of your journey."

While he was speaking, two tall and burly figures suddenly stepped onto the city tower.

Li Xuan took a glance at these two figures, then quickly averted his eyes.

Among the two, the one wearing a scholar's robe and holding a guandao was Panguan Wen, whom they had met before. The other person was clad in full armor, with a pair of battle-axes on his back and a large spear in his hand.