Chapter 96: The Big Fish Is Trapped_1

After entering the pass city, Xue Yunrou's flushed face took a long time to return to normal. What hadn't she realized? The multi-eyed juvenile was famously cowardly and always picked on the weak and afraid of the strong. The more compliant they were, the more brazen and arrogant he became. On the contrary, if they strongly resisted, the multi-eyed juvenile definitely wouldn't dare to act presumptuously.

She really had been affected by the strange atmosphere, even thinking of what she should do if Li Xuan took advantage of the situation to become more intimate with her. She clearly thought of him as a gentleman with a petty heart, which is quite shameless.

Li Xuan seemed unaware of Xue Yunrou's odd behavior, as he commanded a group of 'subordinates', aiming directly for the west gate of Dasheng Pass.

The tomb of the Han dynasty soldiers was located just outside the west gate of Dasheng Pass.

But when they arrived, the situation here left Li Xuan frowning.