Chapter 102: Reached the Age of Puppy Love_1

Xue Yunrou was still dazed, staring fixedly at Li Xuan. The latter turned his head and gave her a comforting smile.

"You just focus on controlling the instrument and casting the spell, don't worry about anything else, I'm here!"

The Blood on Li Xuan's lips was very glaring, but Xue Yunrou, feeling somewhat muddled, only deemed Li Xuan's smile somewhat handsome and very sunny warm, nearly illuminating her heart.

Xue Yunrou also felt her heartstrings quiver, and her breathing became somewhat heavier. Instinctively, she recalled the time when she was pressed against Li Xuan, the overwhelmingly strong masculine scent that emanated from him.

She then blushed fiercely and shook her head vigorously. At the same time, she chastised herself, why is she doing silly things at this time? Moreover, it's for a notorious playboy, a debauchee known for his wastrel lifestyle.

Yunrou, Yunrou, have you reached the age of falling in love? What kind of crush is this?