Chapter 99 Delicious Mighty Tongzhen Spirit_1

When he saw the sight on the first level of the dungeon, Li Xuan couldn't help his scalp prickle with fear.

Before his eyes, there were no less than forty evil spirits and demons with roughly human bodies but hideous appearances. They were either menacing, salivating, cautious, greedy, or hostile towards him.

According to the principle that the more humanoid the monsters and demons, the stronger their power and Mana, it can be inferred that each 'guest' here is a high-ranking demon not lower than the seventh house level, all capable of causing large-scale spiritual disasters in the humane realm.

Fortunately, these 'big shots' didn't single him out with their fierce gazes, they held the same hostility towards their peers.

These powerful ghosts and monsters each occupied a corner, dividing this fairly spacious hall into dozens of sections, each suspicious and cautious of one another.