Chapter 110 The Dragon has Reverse Scales (Subscription and Monthly Tickets Wanted)_1


A beast-like roar erupted from Master Chenghuang Yuanzhou's mouth, and his seven orifices began to spray star-blue rayswhich lent him with greater power, forcibly pulling himself out from the pit behind him.

Then Yuanzhou took another step forward with a mix of determination and madness.

"You have destroyed everything! Decades of hard work turn into ashes today. Do you know how many years I have been waiting for this day?"

"Hatred! Since the day when Yuan was ascended as a deity, except for the day I was stripped of my divine position by the Great Ancestor of the Jin State, I have never hated this much, gnawing at; heart and bone, unforgettable for an eternity!"

"Therefore, I want you dead! Even if it means my soul flies away and scatters, I want you, this miscreant, to be annihilated with me!"

However, a layer of frost covered the Panguan Pen in his hand, and his movements became increasingly slow, making Yuanzhou look like a walking corpse.