Chapter 114: Fallen in Love (Please Subscribe! Please Monthly Vote!)_1

Outside the Duchenghuang Temple, rain was drizzling down. After the black fog from the direction of Dasheng Pass dispersed, light rain began to fall within Nanjing City.

Li Yan had no choice but to borrow a covered ox cart from inside the temple to transport his unconscious younger brother home.

And under the porch at the entrance of the temple, Xue Yunrou and Jiang Hanyun stood, one staring blankly, the other with a vacant look in their eyes, as they watched the ox cart receding into the rain-soaked distance.

"We should also head back."

Not until the cart disappeared from view did Jiang Hanyun withdraw her gaze: "Fortunately, my father is at home; he can help you treat your injuries. With a wound as large as yours, no one else in Jinling City can assure that it will not leave any scars."

But Xue Yunrou turned around and said: "Cousin, do you also like Li Xuan? May I ask, what exactly have you two discussed?"

"How could I possibly like him?"