Chapter 120: Shuraba Second Bomb (Seeking Subscriptions Seek Monthly Tickets) _1

Zhang Yue and the others had taken advantage of the break at noon to sneak a visit, so they couldn't stay long. After the three of them had lunch at Earl Chengyi's mansion, they hurriedly excused themselves and left.

Meanwhile, Li Xuan continued his obsession with martial arts, immersing himself in training; after eating, he invited Leng Yurou from her mother's room to spar with him.

Mrs. Liu, fearing that he might face danger and suffer due to his weakness in martial arts, surprisingly didn't interfere or stop him.

His elder brother, Li Yan, seemingly itching for a fight due to boredom, kept lurking around Li Xuan, occasionally dropping hints (essentially outright requests) - suggesting clearly, 'Come on, invite me, let me spar with you.'

Li Xuan chose to ignore him, as he was adamant that he would not engage in a fight with Li Yan in the coming months, even if it killed him.