Chapter 131: Doubts (Seeking Monthly Tickets and Subscriptions)_1

"No grudge, no resentment!"

Marquis Duan Dong of Zhen Dong held his waist longsword, squinted slightly, and looked pale: "There's no way it's Zidie. Investigate again! This must be someone setting her up, does the Liudao Division only have these standards?"

The crowd present was immediately taken aback, exchanging puzzled looks with each other.

They were both surprised by the anger in Zhen Dong Marquis's words and astonished by the certainty in his tone.

Li Xuan also found it odd, feeling that his reaction was somewhat extraordinary.

The rage of Marquis Zhen Dong seems to be misplaced, doesn't it?

Normally, upon hearing the autopsy results, everyone should be filled with rage towards Demoness Zidie.

But he seemed to have an unusual trust in a river thief who should be hated to the bone by an official family, which was surprising.

"My lord!"

Zhang Xu saluted with an unpleasant look: "The traces of Zidie's illusion fire are unique in this world! I can't possibly misjudge."