Chapter 133 Summoned by the Princess (Seeking Monthly Tickets and Subscriptions)_1

"This wretched woman!"

Though Duke of Zhenjiang was seething with anger, he couldn't blame Xue Yunrou. After all, he had personally seen her summoning the souls.

If it had been an ordinary spellcaster, they probably wouldn't even be able to summon these remaining spirits. As for a Lingwu with limited technique level, it was even more unlikely.

But he was filled with rage and had nowhere to vent it. In frustration, he swept a punch and shattered a large tree nearby that would otherwise have required at least five people to hug its trunk.

Powered by his full strength, the countless wood chips and dust were blasted dozens of feet away.

Sima Tianyuan seemed thoughtful, saying: "Again, the soul flies away and scatters. It seems like this isn't the first time?"

"Indeed, this has happened numerous times. The Taoists of Dushan Temple met the same fate: their souls flew away and scattered."