Chapter 136: All are Heroes (Extra for Main Clan Leader cg768)_1

Li Xuan ultimately obtained six Liudao Renyuan Elixirs in the elixir room. Apart from the rewards issued by the Liudao Division, he also used one of his meritorious deeds to exchange for three Human-Origin Pills.

It wasn't that he didn't want to exchange for more, but the deeds required for the subsequent exchange grew according to a ladder-type rate, five times the original number.

Li Xuan used a merit that could exchange for a 'Diyuan Elixir' in the future to exchange for Human-Origin Pills, which was quite a loss for him. Instead, he would prefer to buy from outside channels through his father's connections.

Later, he also went to the Treasure Tower to pick up the treasured blade that Liudao Division had prepared for him.

This time, the person in charge of receiving him at the Treasure Tower was still the elderly man from before.

"How does it feel to use these 'Red-Thunder Gloves'?"