Chapter 138: Damaging Self For 800_1

After leaving the Liudao Division, Li Xuan was bathed in flashing thunderbolts all the way home. He was like a giant light bulb, with electricity crackling around him. This meant he couldn't ride a horse and had to walk. His hands were in constant motion — pointing, gesturing, striking, drawing, poking, jabbing — all the while making 'Hmph Hmph' noises.

It was a good thing it was late at night. Since the night of Zhongyuan Festival, a curfew had been placed throughout Nanjing City after the second watch, and there were no pedestrians on the streets.

However, the patrol teams of both the Liudao Division and the Ying Tian Government, who were on the roads, looked at him as if they were looking at a lunatic.

Li Xuan didn't bother to pay any attention to them. He was immersed in his newfound understanding of Thunder Style. Afraid that if he missed this moment, he might forget or leave something out.