Chapter 140 Ruthless Dad_1

"It's Situ Zhong!"

Upon seeing the approaching purple-clothed head constable from the opposite side, Peng Fulai too, squinted his eyes.

He first glanced surreptitiously at Luo Yan, who was riding alongside them a few steps away, then in a low voice to Li Xuan, he said, "This guy was also summoned to the palace by the inner Jishi Bureau a few days ago to participate in the treasury theft case."

Li Xuan wore a puzzled expression: "Inner Jishi Bureau? Didn't you say this guy is connected to the Minister of Punishments in Nanjing?"

Shortly after the incident at Lanyue House, he had asked Peng Fulai to investigate Situ Zhong's background and he had been tracking this man for over a month.

Li Xuan had always suspected that the purple-clothed head constable had deliberately targeted him at Lanyue House, and that there was likely someone backing him.

The murder that occurred at Zhen Dong's mansion yesterday further confirmed his suspicion. The case at Lanyue House was no coincidence.