Chapter 148: The Ding is the Emperor's Vessel (Third Call for Subscriptions and Monthly Tickets)_1

Only after having achieved complete peace of mind, did Li Xuan redirect his focus onto Shopkeeper Han.

In truth, he wasn't particularly focused on it, only affected serious examination when the shopkeeper started to speak, nodding or shaking his head in turn.

The first level of Xuanyi House was mainly filled with metal decorations, paintings, porcelain, and gold, silver, and brass artifacts. While they weren't magical instruments or treasures from heaven and earth, each piece was wonderfully crafted with extremely lavish patterns, which, consequently, resulted in high prices.

That being said, relative to regular markets, these items - most likely looted from Jinling or extracted from tombs - were priced at under 30% of standard retail value.

Perhaps considering that the visitors from the prairie were uninterested in paintings and jade artifacts, Shopkeeper Han instead introduced them to various gemstones, porcelain, and metalwork pieces.