Chapter 160: Where is it? (Additional release by the Alliance head book friend 20210115140123825)_1

"Why the hurry?"

Lady Jiang stared intently at the Wenxin House: "I'm an experienced judge of character, and I can tell good from evil. That boy Xuan, his heart is pure, he'll not falter here!"

Madam Xue shook her head: "Sister, why insist on comforting yourself? I believe that Li Xuan has indeed turned a new leaf. But under the current circumstances, even a perfect gentleman would find it hard to reach the top of Wenxin House. I'm having headaches thinking about how to explain all of this to the Earl Chengyi's family afterwards."

Hearing this, Lady Jiang's expression fell, but her gaze towards the top level of Wenxin House became even sharper.

Xue Yunrou could no longer stay collected either. Her handkerchief in the sleeve went 'snap' as it was being torn into bits.

Immediately after this, she raised her hand and threw out a talisman.