Chapter 182: I Have a Method to Defeat the Enemy (6700 words in the chapter) _4

Fortunately, after his deadly strike, Lin Ziyang paused from his attack. He sat astride an Earth Dragon, smirking as he stared up at the battlements: "This was just an appetizer for you lot. By daybreak at the latest, Tieweng City will fall, and it will be time for you all to submit your heads. I'm curious to see if a bunch of brash fools like you can give me a bit of a surprise."

After his words, he rode back to his rear troops. Li Yan, blood seeping from his every orifice, descended from the sky, his face a bit pale: "I may have underestimated this old man a bit. His martial law level is on par with me and Zhaojun, stuck at the level of 'Po'. But his control of 'Shi' is stronger than I thought. That last strike, in terms of power alone, was already on par with my home's old man."