Chapter 184: It Really Can Explode_1

"So he is meritorious and faultless."

Yu Jianji looked at the people in the hall, especially the Minister of War: "Indeed, Li Xuan has a document granted by me, giving him the authority to act independently and mobilize a thousand soldiers from local forces if necessary. Minister of War, Wei and Eunuch Qin, also felt that the case of stolen military equipment was of great importance and couldn't be entrusted solely to Xi Ying, the left deputy imperial censor, hence, they also endorsed the document."

The smile on Quan Dingtian's face became more obvious, while the Minister of War and Qin Mingyu also looked much more pleased. The latter seemed to recall this matter, the purple on his face quickly disappeared: "Correct! I had heard of Li Xuan a while ago. A standout of the Liudao Division who has solved many cases, he sounds very reliable. Moreover, the case of stolen military equipment has been unresolved for several months, and those lost weapons have given me sleepless nights!