Chapter 199: How did it become an assist? (Two-in-one big chapter) _4

"Sir Colonel!"

Yue Qianqian's heart clenched, as though something had harshly struck her. She hurriedly used her sleeve to wipe off Li Xuan's blood, with tears pouring from her eyes like broken pearls. "What's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

"I'm fine, Qianqian. You should stay behind me―"

Li Xuan was indeed unharmed. The blood was merely caused by the tearing force of the earth and sky as he used 'Electronic Transition'. His internal organs remained intact, and Yinsha hadn't progressed further into his body. Given his current healing abilities, minor injuries would fully heal in less than half a day.

The only issue was his drastic Mana consumption. The aid from the Dragon King had been entirely exhausted, and he could only rely on elixirs for slow recovery.